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ZETAlytics Massive Passive

By ZETAlytics
Map and visualise relationships between different threat actors and known associates.
ZETAlytics Massive Passive integration in Maltego
Infrastructure & Network Information Malware Incident Response Intelligence Collection

ZETAlytics Transforms for Maltego

Zetalytics Transforms provide investigators access to Pivots and data that include billions of records for historical domains, email addresses, IPs, name servers. Some examples are as follows

  • Historical IP <-> hostname relationships
  • Historical soa_email, ip and domain whois email relationships
  • Malware hashes <-> Domains
  • Subdomain lists per Domain
  • Nameserver <-> Domains
  • Nameserver <-> IP/CIDR


With 40+ Transforms, query into Zetalytics database, map and visualise relationships between different threat actors and known associates

Typical Users of This Data

  • Forensic Teams
  • Incident Response Teams
  • Threat Intelligence Teams

alt ZETAlytics Transforms for Maltego


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About Zetalytics

Zetalytics is a cyber security company offering Security Feed that integrates into existing network protection hardware such as firewalls and SEIM. Forensics, incident response and threat intel teams benefit from direct access to search massive historical data, use of Zetalytics data visualization tools and advanced training.

For more information, visit https://zetalytics.com/.

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